We have experience in all the below complaints and violations, and we can help you overcome those.
- Specific Keywords Utilization
- Optimized Product Titles
- Bullet Point Detailed Descriptions
- Optimized Product Copies
We have experience in all the below complaints and violations, and we can help you overcome those.
Place your top 5 keywords in the product title. According to the new ranking algorithm, this is no longer necessary. You can now pay more attention to crafting a descriptive, yet readable title.
Add up to 249 bytes of other important keywords in the “search terms” (also known as “generic keywords”.).
You can place more keywords here, but only if it doesn’t disrupt the informative clarity of the product texts.
Some products allow the definition of additional keyword types, such as Target Audience (e.g., men/women). Amazon filters them in the search, so make sure to add them.
Assign additional product information, such as material type, to your product. Fill in this information as thoroughly as possible because customers can access it via the filter navigation and specific product finders.
Research relevant keywords and sort keywords by Amazon search volume for maximum impact.
Tap into profound keyword information as well as content insights from customers and competitors in an intuitive optimization workflow.